
The road to success is always under construction.

  1. 25MW Cotton Biomass Power Station, Boundiali (Cote d'Ivoire)
    25MW Cotton Biomass Power Station, Boundiali (Cote d'Ivoire)
    The 25MW Cotton biomass power plant is scheduled to be operational in 2020 and is located in the northwestern part of of Côte d'Ivoire. The project requires building and operating a cotton biomass power station and the associated power evacuation facilities. It will have a nominal capacity of 25MW and will consist of 2 x12,5 MW boiler and steam turbines units, two alternators and auxiliaries.
  2. Generation and Distribution, (Liberia)
    Generation and Distribution, (Liberia)
    Liberia’s economic growth is severely constrained by an insufficient supply of reliable and affordable electricity. The only on-grid electricity sold in the capital city, Monrovia, currently has an approved single tariff exceeding US$ 0.50/kWh. The capitol city of Liberia, Monrovia and the rural towns and cities has consequentially witnessed a proliferation of an estimated several hundred megawatts of mostly micro off-grid self-generators/sellers operating at an even greater cost. Ecostar Energy has recently expressed interest in engaging the Government of Liberia in several specific renewable small scale and utility scale electricity generation concept projects.These projects are also need associated with transmission and distribution investment.
  3.  Generation and Distribution, (Ghana)
    Generation and Distribution, (Ghana)
    Generation is the first arm of the power chain in Ghana. Volta River Authority (VRA) is the major power generation company, solely owned by the Government of Ghana and established in 1961 by an Act of Parliament. VRA combines hydro, thermal and solar plants to generate electricity for supply to the local and export markets. Due to the energy sector reform, there are also other generation companies that are privately owned known as the Independent Power Producers. Notable among them are Ameri, Karpower, Sunon-Asogli and Cenit.. Ecostar Energy is discussions with the Government of Ghana for securin MOUs for large scales renewable energy generation..
  4. Generation and Distribution, (Mozambique)
    Generation and Distribution, (Mozambique)
    The energy sector in Mozambique remains one of the country's main growth drivers taking up the past two years seen the start of construction of 300 MW by Independent Power Producers (IPP's), projects mainly associated with natural gas, representing an investment in the country of more than $ 650 million. All these projects have the sole Off Taker, the Mozambique Electricity "EDM". In its latest projections, EDM announced the need for 4,000 MW by 2025, while the SADC region will need additional 57,000 MW during the same time period.
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